Tuesday, July 8, 2014


ये सांसद ना जाने क्यूँ लड़ते झगड़ते हैं]
संसद  चलने से पहले ही स्थगित कर देते हैं। 

एक दूसरे की बुराई खोद खोद कर निकलते हैं] 
खुद कीचड़ मे बैठ औरों पर कीचड़ उछालते हैं। 

चूहे  बिल्ली का खेल जनता को दिखाते हैं] 
हो हल्ला मचाकर कुर्सी टेबल उछालते हैं। 

जनता की छोड़ बस अपनी सोचते हैं]
इस चक्कर में एक दूसरे के ही बाल नोचते हैं। 

ये सांसद ना जाने क्यूँ लड़ते झगड़ते हैं]
संसद चलने से पहले ही स्थगित कर देते हैं। 

भारत माँ की गोद में बैठ बंदर नाच दिखाते हैं]
सच और झूठ की लड़ाई छोड़s] जनता को आपस में लड़ाते हैं। 

सारी  बुराई तुम में हैंs] तुम क्या देश चलाओगेs]
तुम्हारी जेबें भर जाएंगीs] तब तो हमारी भर पाओगे 

ये जनता का पैसा हैs] इसे न यूँ गवाओं तुमs] 
संसद चलने से पहले स्थगित न करते जाओ तुम। 

अपनी बात रखकरs] औरों की भी सुनना हैs] 
सही राह चुनकरs] एक सफल भारत की सोच बुनना  है। 

लोगों की प्रेरणास्त्रोत बनकरs] अच्छा नाम कमाना हैs] 
वीआईपी  नहीं आम बनकरs] पूरे देश को सिखाना  है। 

माफ़ करना मुझे जितनी समझ थीs] मैंने सन्देश पहुँचाया हैs] 
भारत का एक नागरिक होने का मैंने फ़र्ज़ निभाया है।

- श्रीमती निर्मला अग्रवाल 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Last February I had been to Jammu, on the way back from a religious trip to Vaishnodevi. The returning bus which was supposed to take me back, got delayed for 2 hours. To while away the hours, I decided to lounge around the area near Bus Stand. Just 10 steps away from the main gate of the bus stand, I saw a complete lane of 10 to 15 odd shops which looked like small watch repairing shops. Area of each shop was approximately 16 sq feet which means around 4 feet by 4 feet. The shops seem interesting. I was able to spot pictures of teeth in the board of each shop which made me curious, I decided to have a closer look. I took few steps ahead and was amazed to the blank. Those steps completely shook the idea of dentistry in my mind. Being a Dentist I was abashed to see untrained, unqualified persons performing nearly complete dentistry, and that too confidently without any real knowledge. Like a standard menu they had a board hanging different procedures with their rates. Cleaning -100 INR, Filling 100 INR etc. They performed their special procedures similar to scaling, filling, tooth replacement, dentures etc. Puzzled by this view, I asked people around about these shops they called it as ‘Daant Ki Dukaan’ (DKD).
                                                                                                        I was aware of dental quacks who actually are technicians /assistants, pretending to be doctors, trained professionally or learnt the basics of dentistry by assisting a dentist. In my clinic I came across few cases in which some poor patients gave the history of fixed tooth, and when observed it was embarrassing to see- a RPD ligated to adjacent teeth with wire. Due to which abutments got weak with grade 3 mobility, also grade 2-3 Periodontitis (pyorrhea) due to inability to maintain oral hygiene. Only charlatons can do such works. Coming back to the scene I encountered in Jammu, DKD was worse than these quacks. Their instruments include just a drilling machine hanged, with some drills as burs and some cheap dental materials. No provision of water for washing, no concern for sterilization or even disinfection. They even don’t know that they are risking not only the patient’s lives but their lives too. Their shops displayed some prefabricated dentures and tooth as specimen. They claim-‘yaha har tarah ke daant banae jaate hain’. You can think of this terrific situation, just like a mechanic doing operation.
                                                                                                                                                             It is quite abominable to read this and even more when you face such things in your life. A dentist qualifies his/her degree attaining 5-6 yrs of experience (college as well as clinical). Dental auxiliaries who are capable of providing minor services to the patients have to seek 2-3 yrs of study courses, even they are not authorized to provide any specialized dental care. There are many medical conditions associated with, and affecting dental treatments. Many medical emergencies may arouse during the treatment, which can be handled by a qualified professional only.
                       A tooth is not merely a toy to play, nor a mechanical tool, shaft or gear which a trained mechanic can handle. A dentist needs to have a complete knowledge and experience with the tooth. A filling is just drilling a stone and covering with cement for these quacks. One step more while drilling and they are directly into the root. If it was so easy for any technical person, then what was the need of introducing so long courses to save your tooth?
                                 In many cities you can see uneducated unauthorized people risking the dental health of a layman. They provide services at a very low cost, inducing poor illiterate people not financially strong enough to afford dental treatment go for these quacks. People don’t even understand that for saving some money what is being risked. These quacks cost much more to them.
                                                                                                                Not only in Jammu, these charlatans are spread across India. When you travel to Delhi via train, next to SubziMandi Station, there are many similar DKDs operating, without any cover. One more case observed in my clinic- few orthodontic cases, with proclination of anteriors (forwardly placed front teeth), treated as fixed brackets with just canine to canine. Where is the anchorage here? And the doctors charging the patient nearly equal that for complete fixed orthodontic treatment. These are the outcomes of such quacks, hunting the pockets of illiterate, under-confident needy persons.
                                       This is clearly a two sided drawback of illiteracy. First being the person providing dental care without qualification, unaware of what harm can he do to the lives of individuals treated, and what emergencies could he face. Secondly, the individuals allowing someone to experiment over their live bodies, ignorant of the harmful outcomes, being experimented by such quacks. Even it may risk their lives. Actually they are unaware of the person providing the treatment is qualified or not. They even don’t know the advantage of qualified doctors.
                                                     There should be awareness camps among the people, run by the government. In which, illiterates are made aware of quacks and importance of getting treated by qualified doctors. Regular checkup /treatment camps should be available to poor free /minimum cost with dental colleges and hospitals, as Colleges are the best platform to learn. Assuring people a proper treatment under cover of grievance centers, where they can solve their problems further. Aiming at proper treatment made affordable for a common man. As financially lower middle and low class persons cannot afford costly dental treatments, this leads them to go to quacks, making the situation worse and oral hygiene at a great risk.                                                                                                                                             I see this as a complete failure of a regulating body, responsible for preventing unauthorized practitioners experimenting with lives of common man. It is inevitable that this major issue is left unnoticed by medical officials who might be travelling via train, or had been to Jammu and similar places at some or the other occasions. Is our system so indifferent /incapable that it cannot stop such illegal profession? Considering the current situation, we only need to put pressure on the authorities to stop these quacks from playing with lives.                                                                                                                                           Government has to take strict actions against such quacks. In the age of internet we can stop these quacks by just putting a proper system in place. There should be a centralized website in which every Doctor can be searched by their registration number, it should also pose records of malpractice of any doctor. Regulating body should make sure that every Doctor puts his /her registration number in all type of display boards and stationary where his or her name is printed. Current registration system of dentists is also non-centralized, this allows the quacks to intrude easily. To make this system more efficient we should adopt centralized registration of doctors. After this system is implemented, a well-designed awareness campaign will be enough to educate the people about it.

Miserable things in the world I wonder..
Misers themselves let happen the blunder..

-Dr. Richa Agrawal